For Community

Welcome to the YMCA of Greater Seattle! We’re an inclusive organization of all kinds of people with a shared commitment to nurture the potential of youth, promote healthy living, and foster social responsibility.

Our Cause & Community Presence

At the Y, strengthening community is our cause. We work side-by-side with our neighbors throughout King, Pierce, and south Snohomish counties to help kids and families thrive – and apply their positive behaviors and goals at home, school, the workplace, and beyond.

  • 14 branches
  • 2 overnight camps
  • Social Impact Center
  • More than 200 program sites

Our Mission

Building a community where all people, especially the young, are encouraged to develop their fullest potential in spirit, mind, and body.

We live our mission daily, one person and relationship at a time:

  • Reaching 234,170 people of all backgrounds, abilities, and financial circumstances
  • Nurturing 96,009 children and teens to develop their gifts and give back to our community
  • Engaging 18,746 volunteers who contribute 344,196 hours of service each year
  • Working with community donors investing $9.7 million in local kids and families

Equity and Justice for All Statement

The Y actively promotes a culture free from bias and injustice. We are dedicated to removing institutional and systemic barriers that result in oppression and racism. We will be accountable to marginalized communities for creating equitable and sustainable environments where social justice is woven into every facet of our programs, and by caring for our communities in a culturally versatile and respectful manner.

Everyone is Welcome

The Y is a membership organization open to all people. We welcome women, men, non-binary people, girls, and boys of all ages, races, ethnicities, religions, abilities, sexual orientations and financial circumstances. Our programs and branches embrace diversity, reflecting the people and needs of our communities.

Special Accommodations

The Y values the richness that diversity brings to our community and shared commitment to nurturing the potential of kids, improving health and well-being, and giving back. To ensure equitable access for all the Y offers affordable options at all of our 14 branches. Visit any of our branches and speak to the the Member Services desk. If you have a disability and would like to request assistance or more information, please contact us.

Child Safety Policies

We work hard to keep our kids safe. The following is an overview of practices the Y has in place to protect youth and young adults in our care. The Y began conducting background checks on all new employees in the 1980s. Over the years, we have strengthened our policy for screening and training staff and volunteers.

  1. We require a criminal background check of all Y staff members.
  2. All staff must read and follow our child abuse prevention policy. Our policy is strict: it prohibits a Y staff person from having unauthorized contact with youth and young adults in our care.
  3. All staff are required to participate in training about inappropriate behavior and prevention of child abuse, identifying the signs of abuse, and reporting suspected incidents. Staff renew this training every year. Staff in direct service with youth and young adults are required to undergo additional child abuse prevention trainings.
  4. Volunteers who have ongoing interactions with youth and young adults undergo criminal background checks, review our abuse prevention rules and reporting procedures, and receive abuse prevention training.
  5. All members who enter a Y facility are immediately screened through a national sex offender registry. Our membership database is regularly screened, and results are reviewed by Y staff. If needed, appropriate action is taken immediately.

If any Y staff member or volunteer becomes aware of any incident of suspected child abuse or inappropriate behavior with a minor by staff or other adults, they are to report the incident to internal Y leadership immediately for investigation and follow up and to the appropriate authorities as required.

Immunization Policies

In order to promote a healthy environment for all children in our care, the Y would like to see each child vaccinated. However, Washington State Law allows parents or guardians to exempt their child from immunizations for religious or medical reasons. Due to this law, we do not require children to be vaccinated or track their prior immunizations in order to participate in our programs. Once we become aware of an illness, we work hard to prevent sick children from using our space and/or coming in contact with healthy children. We will promptly inform parents and guardians of any known highly contagious illness incidents. During an outbreak of a highly contagious disease we recommend unvaccinated children remain at home. If you have additional questions, please contact
