Violence Prevention
We’re here to support youth and young adults with outreach, mentorship, and case management.
We’re here to support youth and young adults with outreach, mentorship, and case management.
Our Violence Prevention Programs serves youth and young adults who are impacted by community violence and/or the justice system. This work is done by having an active presence in our community via street outreach and case management and in partnership with several cities and organizations across King County.
We don't expect young people to come to us. Rather we meet young people where they are. Using personal experience, strong ties to the local community, and extensive training, outreach workers go where youth are in their community.
Outreach workers support young people to identify goals, such as engagement in education and employment, and overcoming the barriers to achieving these goals. They provide early intervention and are trained in and expected to de-escalate conflict.
We work with a community coalition to provide wraparound services and eliminate risk factors, improve outcomes, and build healthier communities. If a youth is not engaging in referred services, the outreach worker plays a key role in getting the youth involved.
Our Alive & Free program serves youth and young adults across King County who are involved with or impacted by groups, gangs, community violence, or the justice system. This work is done through street outreach and case management in partnership with several cities and organizations across King County. We have a skilled team who have strong community ties and specialize in engaging youth and young adults. Our goal is to support our communities and help young people to stay Alive & Free.
In partnership with Community Passageways, Urban Family, Boys and Girls Club, and with City of Seattle funding, we are honored to be part of the the Seattle Community Safety Initiative in West Seattle (SCSI). SCSI builds and strengthens neighborhood safety, restores and rebuilds community connections, offers resources for self-sufficiency, and promotes neighborhood pride and ownership. We do this with three main components including Community Safety Hubs, Crisis Response & Safe Passage Teams, and Training & Professional Development.
We’re here for you with counseling services that span mental health, substance use, and psychiatric care for people of all ages in King County.
For immediate assistance with a behavioral health crisis or a young person’s safety or shelter, call the King County 24-Hour Crisis Hotline at  866-427-4747.
With a shared commitment to nurturing the potential of kids, improving health and well-being, and supporting our neighbors, your membership will not just bring about meaningful change in yourself, but also in your community.