Help For Kids, Young Adults, And/or Families Who May Be Experiencing An Acute Mental Health Crisis

When a child, young adult or family are hurting every moment counts. That’s why Children’s Crisis Outreach Response System (CCORS) is here for you 24/7. We respond immediately – wherever you are. You get quick support and access to long-term services, helping you or your child achieve stability and avoid future crises.

Here are some situations you might call about:

  • Conflict at home with your children or caregiver
  • Self-harm
  • Suicide ideation
  • Aggression or violence
  • Sudden changes in your child’s behavior
  • Disruption in family
  • Anxiety or depression

If in doubt, call Crisis Connections 24/7.

Crisis services are for kids and families up to 18 years old and young adults up to 25 years old who are experiencing homelessness or who are unstably housed.

206 461 3222

Youth Connection Services

Youth Connection Services is a pre-arrest diversion program of the Y Social Impact Center, funded by King County Behavioral Health and Recovery Division. Services are for youth (ages 12–18) with a first time and/or low-level offense (Shoplifting, Trespassing, Truancy, etc.) or similar behaviors who would benefit from timely, client responsive behavioral health services to prevent further involvement with the legal system.

Community-based support/services, including:

  • Mobile Outreach
  • Parent Support through Certified Parent Partners
  • Youth Support and/engagement with Certified Youth Peer’s
  • Mentorship
  • Short term behavioral health support.
  • Coordination and support with Probation, Family Court, and Community Accountability Board processes.
  • Link youth/family to long-term services as needed and accepted by family/youth-i.e. Parent supports, youth mentors, school advocacy, pro-social activities, mental health or substance use treatment.
  • Work with the young person, and family when necessary, to create a culturally responsive ‘Action Plan’ addressing the youth and family’s needs.

How are clients referred?

Youth Connection Services is a program taking referrals from Police Officers, School Resource Officers, School Administrators, Family Court, or Caregivers for youth who live in Auburn, Federal Way, Kent, and Renton.

Make a Referral 

Call and leave a voicemail at:

206 382 5340

Referrals and other inquiries are also accepted via email



Counseling Services

We’re here for you with counseling services that span mental health, substance use, and psychiatric care for people of all ages in King County.

Are you experiencing a crisis?

For immediate assistance with a behavioral health crisis or a young person’s safety or shelter, call the King County 24-Hour Crisis Hotline at  866-427-4747.

Join the Y!

With a shared commitment to nurturing the potential of kids, improving health and well-being, and supporting our neighbors, your membership will not just bring about meaningful change in yourself, but also in your community.
