Change Your Membership Type or Draft Date

Change Your Membership Type

Members can change their membership type at any time, effective on the 1st of next month. If the change is to take immediate effect, prorated dues may be charged or credits added to your account based on the current day of the month. Examples of Membership Change requests include:

  • Changing your membership from Adult 2 to Adult 2 plus dependents
  • Changing your membership from Adult 2 to Adult 1

Change Your Draft Date

All active memberships automatically renew on the 1st of each month, setting your billing cycle and draft date. After you make your first month’s payment, you can change your draft date. Please note that adjusting your draft date does not change your membership term—your membership will remain active from the 1st through the end of each month. 

Use the form below to complete one of the following:

  • Change your membership type of an existing membership to another membership type.
  • Change your draft date for your membership monthly billing to either the 1st or the 15th of the month.

Customer Information

Please provide the customer information requested below to help us assist you. All fields are required.

Membership Change

Please indicate your current membership type, and the new membership type that you're changing to. If you're adding/removing a person, please provide their first and last name, date of birth, and gender.
