Building Healthy Families

Family activities at the Y are about giving opportunities to deepen relationships, develop new skills and interests, improve their health and well-being, and connect to the community. From hands-on classes and programs designed to engage the whole family, to family events where you can play together, there's always a new, fun way to create lasting family bonds at the Y.

Child in bouncy house at a family night at the YMCA

Family Nights

Spend your evening playing together as a family! Enjoy themed nights with pirates or superheroes, play recess games, train for the Olympics, or test out your engineering skills. Family Nights and Family Movie Nights are an included benefit of membership just for Y Family Members.

A parent and child at a swimming lesson.

Family Recreational Swim

Splash around with family, friends, and neighbors during drop-in or reservation Recreational Swim. 

An image of a parent and child preparing to participate in an activity.

Family Time

Got the wiggles? The Y is here to the rescue. Make the most of your Y membership by dropping in and exploring our programs. Offerings vary by location. All guests must use a guest pass or pay a daily fee.

Mother and daughter painting during family event at the YMCA

Family Events

Family events help families build stronger bonds through active play, shared interests, and engaging activities. Events offer tons of opportunities for playing and learning to grow up healthy and strong. Family Events are open to both Y members and community members. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

I cannot afford the full cost of the program. Is financial assistance available?

Yes! The Y is committed to ensuring all families have access to quality and enriching youth programs. If the fee for these programs presents a challenge for your family, financial assistance is available.

For Y members, your program assistance is already attached to your Y account and available upon registration. For community members, please drop by your local Y or call us at (206) 382-5022 to learn more.

Can I drop my kids off?
  • For Family Time, Family Night, and Family Events, a supervising adult must be present as these programs are designed for the entire family. 
  • For Family Recreational Swim, please see our Aquatics Center Age Guidelines.
How many families will there be?

The number of families that participate is based on space and will vary based on location and activity.
