3 Ways to Capture Family Memories

Last updated: April 18, 2020, at 11:53 a.m. PT

Originally published: April 10, 2020, at 7:21 a.m. PT

Colorful notes in a glass jar with a heart

They say in parenting, the days are long, but the years are short. While many of us are home bound, the days may be feeling really long. We hope you can look back at this time as an opportunity to build memories together and cherish these special moments. Here are some fun ways to memorialize your time at home during the COVID-19 pandemic: 

Time Capsules

Put together a container that is filled with present day things such as newspapers, photos, letters, or other artifacts from your time at home. There are no rules! It could be a simple shoe box that you hide away in a closet, or a more weather-resistant box that you bury in your backyard. You decide how long you want to hide it, who should open it, and most importantly what to include. If coloring and writing is more your style, print off this great COVID-19 Time Capsule and respond to the prompts. Put it away somewhere safe and at some point in the future, take the time to reread and reflect on your time at home.

Handprint Art

Trace all of your family member’s hands, or have a family craft night and have everyone trace their own hands. If your kiddos are old enough to cut them out, this would be a great way to incorporate them in the craft fun. Use a different patterned paper for a background and begin gluing handprints to your background by starting with the largest hand to the background paper first. Follow with each size-appropriate handprint until you reach the last one. Add any extra adornments you want for jazzing your picture up or write a simple quote or statement to memorialize the time. Don’t forget to add the date!

Memory Jar

To make your own memory jar, all you’ll need is a pad of sticky notes (bonus if they’re fun colors!), a Sharpie/pen/writing utensil of your choice, and an empty jar/cup/mug. Whenever something memorable happens, write it down and fold it up. At the end of the Stay Home, Stay Healthy order (or any date, really), sit everyone down and open them all up. Be prepared for some laughs and probably some (happy) tears as you relive all the moments from this time.