Affordable YMCA Programs Impact Thousands of Young People | Annual Report

Last updated: June 6, 2024, at 9:26 a.m. PT

Originally published: June 6, 2024, at 9:26 a.m. PT

young girls looking at microscopes

In 2023, we continued to impact thousands of young people through youth development programs that help them thrive, but even more importantly, by making programs affordable for all.

Crystal’s family was one of those impacted by our Early Education program. “That first week was tough,” Crystal recalls. Her son, JJ, would often cry when being dropped off at the Early Education Center in West Seattle. JJ’s teachers, Brianna and Johanna, worked hard to gain his trust and provide an environment that felt safe and comforting. “JJ absolutely loves his two teachers now,” says Crystal. “They are the only ones who he will take a bottle from. Now he doesn’t cry anymore at drop-off.”

The level of support and care they received was everything Crystal hoped for in a child care provider but finding affordable child care in Seattle was a challenge. After her third son was born, they weren’t sure how they’d keep up with the monthly fees. Financial assistance, made possible by Y donors, allowed Crystal to keep her kids in childcare. At half the cost of what she would pay elsewhere.

“My oldest, Eli, has really grown a lot this past year,” shared Crystal. “The way he talks about his emotions, the way he interacts and plays with other kids, [he has a] bigger vocabulary, fuller sentences.” Sammy, her second son, has also grown. “I’ve noticed his desire now to play with other kids. Before daycare, he hadn’t spent a lot of time socially with other children, besides his brothers, and the Y provides that opportunity ... I knew the Y was a good place to go.”

In 2023, our Early Education Centers served 475 kids and more than one of out every three kids was able to attend through a scholarship.


  • Before and After School Programs served 2,979 kids at 57 locations and nine school districts.
  • $309,837 in scholarships allowed more than 500 kids to access Before and After School Programs.
  • 4,278 campers were served at 38 Day Camp locations and $316,432 in scholarships was awarded to one in every 10 campers.
  • 7,728 miles were hiked by 368 young people exploring the outdoors together through the Y’s Boys and Girls Outdoor Leadership Development (BOLD & GOLD) programs.
  • 4,197 kids made lifelong memories and friendships at YMCA Camp Orkila and YMCA Camp Colman.

In the spring and fall, thousands of young people attended the Y’s Outdoor Environmental Education program at Camp Orkila and Camp Colman through their schools.