Coal Creek Family YMCA | Backpack Meal Program

Last updated: June 28, 2024, at 10:16 a.m. PT

Originally published: June 27, 2024, at 11:36 a.m. PT



Hunger doesn’t end just because it’s the weekend! Many students depend on school meals during the week but lack access to healthy food over the weekend.

The Coal Creek Family YMCA Weekend Backpack Meal Program is a partnership with Communities in Schools of Greater King County. It provides food bags for students in local school districts to take home on weekends. Since October 2020, we have packed and distributed over 20,000 bags to children and youth in the area.

Every week during the school year, we rely on volunteers to pack and deliver nutritious, child-friendly, non-perishable, and easy-to-prepare food to over 200 students.

How to Get Involved:

  1. Help us prepare backpack meals. Learn more about volunteering!
  2. Support our Amazon Wish List
  3. Donate to our Annual Fund Drive

Family Testimonials -  Insights into the Impact of the Program:

“My husband is the only one bringing income for our family at this time. Three and a half years ago, after having our sixth child, I became very, very depressed, and still to this day, I am struggling with mental illness. So this program has helped me in a VERY GREAT WAY. My family and I are very, very grateful.”


“My boys get excited when it shows up; it's their very own grocery delivery, and it gets sorted out. They put the snacks in the snack basket and put the rest over in their cupboard. It helps guarantee my picky eaters have a second choice if they won’t like what’s being made to eat, and with three boys, the extra snacks are helpful.”