Ending the Stigma of Mental Health
Last updated: July 1, 2020, at 5:12 a.m. PT
Originally published: September 12, 2017, at 2:28 p.m. PT
A new position was recently created to promote an often overlooked part of healthy living: mental health. As the Child & Family Therapist for the branch, offering services from
counseling to education, Allora Tvedt hopes to break down the stigma of mental health by offering services in a less traditional setting at the Y.
“Life is meant to be lived in a community,” says Allora. “You shouldn’t have to bear something
alone. And the Y is filled with community-minded people working to better their health.” The new position, funded by donors like you, was created after hearing about the growing need for accessible mental health services for kids on the eastside from local schools, nonprofits, and service clubs.
According to a 2016 survey of students in the Issaquah and Lake Washington School Districts, nearly three out of four high school students felt anxious, nervous, or on edge in the past two weeks.
“Everyone has been a teenager and knows how hard that can be,” says Allora. “It’s a time when you’re learning about the world and how to work within that. Therapy can be a great resource.”
The new services will be offered to youth and families identified through programs or school partnerships, as well as those who seek out assistance. Mental health services at the Y are covered by many insurance providers, and low-cost options will be available to those without insurance.