Happy Mother's Day: A Message from President and CEO Loria Yeadon

Last updated: May 6, 2021, at 7:45 p.m. PT

Originally published: May 6, 2021, at 3:05 p.m. PT

Mothers Day Blog 2021_750x445

Dear Y Community,

Happy Mother’s Day!

This Mother’s Day shines a special light on the role of mothers in our lives and in our communities, a role that I cherish and would not trade for anything in the world no matter what.

Women and mothers, in particular, have been hit hardest in so many ways over the last year the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the National Women’s Law Center, women have lost 5.4 million jobs since the pandemic began versus 4.4 million jobs lost by men, which is especially alarming considering that pre-pandemic, women were paid 82% of the wages paid to men. Not only are their jobs vanishing, but women, faced with adding caretaking and virtual-schooling duties to their professional responsibilities, are leaving the workforce in record numbers. For many families, the decision between full time work and affording childcare is not a real choice.

Mothers have long bore the brunt of the childcare crisis which has been exacerbated by the pandemic. This crisis has forced many moms to sacrifice their careers due to the lack of available childcare, an impossible decision that career moms should not have to make. When moms must exit the workplace, our community and economy suffer, economic recovery is inhibited, and we all suffer. 

We also recognize the incredibly difficult toll that the last 12 months have taken on mothers’ grieving the loss of their children especially those lost due the disparate impacts of COVID-19 and the injustices and senseless hate and violence in our nation. We as a community grieve with you. Your resilience, fortitude, and faith inspire us to keep moving ahead. Our commitment to advance equity and justice for all continues with you and your loved ones in our hearts and mind with hope for a better future.

This Mother’s Day is a time to honor mothers everywhere for all the sacrifices you selflessly make to support your families and communities even through the challenges and unpredictability of a global pandemic. We celebrate your uncompromising spirit and action. At the Y, we are hard at work to develop more affordable, accessible, high-quality childcare in our region, wraparound services for families, and education and advocacy for a more just and equitable society for all through our Equity & Justice Center of Excellence.

For mothers who are grieving the loss of a child or others who are missing their moms who have passed away, we are holding you in our hearts during this time with hope that memories of the past will bring comfort and joy.

To all the mothers, grandmothers, aunties, single dads, and other mother-figures, thank you for being our SHEROES, HEROES, and inspiration. 

From our hearts to yours, Happy Mother’s Day.

Loria B. Yeadon 
President & CEO, YMCA of Greater Seattle 


Category: Holidays