How to Make a Camp Friendship Bracelet
Last updated: April 27, 2020, at 10:15 a.m. PT
Originally published: April 27, 2020, at 10:15 a.m. PT

Friendship bracelets are a quintessential camp activity! They are a great way to spend time at home working on fine motor skills and exploring creativity and colors. Even better, make a few bracelets and mail them off with a note to friends that you've been missing the most!
Supplies Needed
- String, yard, cord, or something that can be weaved.
- Scissors
- Tape
- Flat space, like a table.
Take your string and lay out three equal length pieces. Tie one end of all three strings together in a simple knot. Tape the knotted end down to a table or other flat surface.
Separate the three pieces of string and cross the piece on the far right over the piece in the middle.
Loop the far right piece through the middle piece.
Pull the middle string up to bring the loop tight near the tape. Hold and place the original right piece in the center.
Repeat the same process with the far left string. Loop the original far right piece over and under again.
Pull the middle piece through the left piece.
Pull the knot of the middle piece up towards the tape. Move the middle piece to the left.
Repeat the process again starting with the new far right string. And continue repeating the process until you've made a friendship bracelet of a desired length.
If you are feeling comfortable with this technique, try these fun variations:
- Add more colors and more strings
- Repeat the same color through all the loops multiple times before moving to the next color. (In this example, you would do both loops with the pink through the green and white more than once before moving onto making loops with green.)