Learning Doesn't Have to End When Summer Starts
Last updated: March 22, 2023, at 5:06 a.m. PT
Originally published: March 23, 2018, at 1:41 p.m. PT

The Learning Never Stops. Send Your Kids to a Y Camp
You’d be hard-pressed to find a kid that isn’t excited about summer vacation. The promise of swimming pools, warm nights and of course – no school work are all things to look forward to, but three months without cracking a book can cause big problems when it's time to head back to school in the fall. Summer learning loss is the name for what kids forget during the summer.
Summer learning loss can start as early as first grade. By sixth grade, kids that get behind each summer can be as far as two years behind peers that stayed mentally and physically active during the summer.
The cure for summer learning loss is helping kids stay intellectually and physically active during the long summer months. Summer camp at the Y is designed for kids to have exciting and fun new experiences while staying mentally agile.
4 ways the Y prevents summer learning loss and makes your child an even better learner:
1. Accept new challenges
As a low-stress, encouraging environment, summer camp helps kids feel comfortable in learning to accept new challenges, even if they don’t succeed on their first try. Whether it's learning how to climb a rock wall, spending their first week away from home, or for our older kids...learning how to backpack across the Cascades, we're experts in summer camp experiences that fit every child.
2. Stay brain engaged in a new way
Because kids are engaged at camp, they don’t have the opportunity to slip into the bad habits of summer learning loss – their minds and bodies are continually being challenged in new and exciting ways. This helps them stay sharp, so when the school starts, they’re easily able to transition back into their classroom environment.
3. Learning and fun together
Summer camp is not school, so our learning is totally fun focused. Kids get the chance to learn new things, keep reading and problem-solving in a fun, low-stress environment.
4. Active bodies make for busy brains
At Y camp, the focus is a balance between learning, fun and outside play! Kids get more than the recommended amount of physical activity which can lead to lifelong health habits.
Summer is almost here! Register today for summer camp experiences including day camp, overnight camp, and teen expeditions across the Pacific Northwest.