Meet Daniel, Northshore Volunteer
Last updated: August 21, 2017, at 12:54 a.m. PT
Originally published: June 28, 2017, at 2:14 p.m. PT

Daniel Rosenberg came to the Y six years ago with his wife Marla. At the time he was recovering from throat cancer. Daniel was very weak but determined to beat is ailment. Six years later Dan is strong, healthy and able to serve others. Last year Dan connected with Bob Haskell, head of our Maintenance Department, where he started volunteering his time
Dan shows up nearly every day eager to learn and repair about everything here at the Northshore Y. He has been a participant in several programs & classes at the branch, so he has gotten to know and interact with many Y members.
He will research and then work a project until it has been completed or repaired. Dan brings a wealth of experience and insight of specialty tools needed for most repairs. We are truly fortunate to have Dan lending is time to the Northshore Y community.
Several years ago, I came to the Northshore Y to join a class of “Exercise and Thrive” for recovering cancer patients. The program was actually recommended by a therapist at Virginia Mason. I was extremely weak from radiation treatments and the Y and its staff helped in my recovery.
Along the way, I met several staff members and made new acquaintances with other members. About a year ago I decided it was time to repay the Y for its help to me. As I have over 40 years of experience in facility maintenance, I volunteered to help Bob Haskell in maintaining the Y facility. Which, it turns out, is a never ending task. Well, many tasks!
It is a pleasure for me to be able to help Bob as I help Connie, Kristen, JoAnn, Karen, and Becky with their many projects, big and small. So it is a "win win" for the Y, my new friends, both members and staff, and for me. I’m happy to do it, and grateful for the chance to repay the Y in my small way.