Storyboard your Thoughts

Last updated: May 1, 2020, at 8:06 a.m. PT

Originally published: May 1, 2020, at 7:26 a.m. PT

Picture of a storyboard created by a staff member at Camp Orkila

Storyboards are used in a lot of different ways from helping organize thoughts and complete goals to helping us remember important thoughts and awesome experiences we’ve had. However you choose to use a Storyboard, this activity can get you thinking and feeling creatively.

Supplies Needed

  • Cardboard cut to a desired size
  • Glue like Modge Podge or Elmer’s Glue Stick
  • Paint Brush
  • Scissors
  • Markers
  • Colorful magazines or newspaper to rip up!


Instructions showing ripped up paper for storyboard.

Brainstorm what image you want to collage. Maybe it’s a memory or a dream you’ve had. With that image in your head, collect the colors you’ll need by ripping out pages from magazines and newspapers till you have a good stack of each color you’ll need.

If you can’t find the color you’re looking for, think creatively! Can you use a marker? Can you use a different color? Can you use something other than a magazine or newspaper? Once you have your pages, start creating color piles by ripping up the pages into large, medium and small strips and pieces.

When doing an art project for the first time, it’s always a good idea to start small! Use three to four colors to start. With your piece of cardboard, use a marker or pencil to draw an outline of where you’ll be gluing your colors.

Once you have that vague image in your head and on your cardboard, go forth and glue! Collage is all about creating an image with pieces so it won’t look like a photograph. Layer your pieces of paper and create texture by gluing different shades on top of each other. Rip your pieces to create the shape you want or the size you need. Keep going until you feel your image is complete!

If there is space, write what your image depicts. Is there a story behind the image and what it means to you? or leave it as just an image and ask people what they think the story is! See how many different perspectives you can get with your image.

Category: Camp Activity