Summer Camp Never Ends with Family Camps & Retreats
Last updated: March 22, 2023, at 4:55 a.m. PT
Originally published: August 28, 2017, at 1:06 p.m. PT

With summer coming to a close, take advantage of the few sunny weeks left by spending quality time with your loved ones while enjoying the outdoors. Whether you spend a weekend at Camp Colman or Camp Orkila, you’ll be greeted by beautiful views of the Puget Sound and treated to fun camp activities that will not only bring your family closer than ever, but also provide a great opportunity to meet new friends. All you have to do is find the right weekend to suit your family’s style.
Upcoming Family Camps & Retreats
Labor Day Family Camp
Do something a little different this holiday and get a break from the bustle of the city. Spend quality time with your family while enjoying classic camp activities like swimming, rowing, crafts, games, and of course - s'mores!
Aug. 30 - Sept. 2, 2019 l Camp Orkila l Register
Aug. 31 - Sept. 2, 2019 l Camp Colman l Register
Latino Family Camp
Enjoy an unforgettable weekend away with your family at beautiful YMCA Camp Colman. Meet other Latino families through fun activities including campfires, archery, rowing, a giant swing and salsa dancing.
Sept. 6-8, 2019 l Camp Colman l Register
Family Camp for Exceptional Families
This weekend offers a great opportunity for families of all shapes, sizes and abilities to unwind and reconnect away from the pressures of your family's busy lives. In addition to yours, families will be joining us from the University of Washington's Autism Center.
Oct. 11-13, 2019 | Camp Orkila | Register
Women's Wellness Retreat
Sometimes the best way to give back to your family is by taking a well-deserved weekend away. Treat yourself to activities for your mind, body and spirit. Whether you come with friends or connect with new ones, you'll leave our Women's Wellness Retreat feeling relaxed and centered.
Oct. 18-20, 2019 l Camp Orkila l Register
Sept. 20-22, 2019 | Camp Colman | Register
LGBTQ Family Camp
LGBTQ Family Camp is a great opportunity for your family to enjoy some outdoor fun together while also connecting with other LGBTQ families and allies. Join us for this colorful celebration of family and community.
Oct. 25-27, 2019 | Camp Orkila | Register
African American Females Weekend
Join us for a weekend full of your favorite camp skills and activities such as archery, boating, arts & crafts and the giant swing! Be a part of community and discussions around life skills unique to the African American Female Experience.
Sept. 27-29, 2019 | Camp Colman | Register
Financial Assistance Available
We believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to experience the outdoors with the Y. Financial assistance, to the extent possible, is available pending the review and completion of our Financial Aid Application.