In Their Words
Last updated: October 15, 2018, at 9:14 a.m. PT
Originally published: October 11, 2018, at 4:17 p.m. PT

Enthusiasm for our capital project continues to grow as local individuals, businesses and community partners commit time and resources to helping make our goal of a new Y in the north end a reality.
One local partner had this to say about the benefits a new Y would bring to the community.
“Representing Seattle Children’s, we consider the University Y a neighbor due to geographic proximity and more importantly as a collaborator and a true partner in improving community health.
The YMCA of Greater Seattle’s mission around youth development, healthy living and social responsibility is in synchronicity with our own mission: the root of both missions are ultimately to improve the health and well-being of youth and their families. Their proposal to expand the University Y is needed and overdue.
The vision to grow the footprint and service levels beyond their current capacity is a welcome way to expand their ability to keep kids, families and adults connected and healthy. Their proposal to be a community hub will help not only revitalize that part of North Seattle, but will help in their vision that we at Seattle Children’s share: to make our community a place of opportunity for all.”
Lara Sim
Manager, Community Benefit
Seattle Children’s Hospital