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Values Session Prompts for Summer to School Year Transition

Last updated: August 17, 2021, at 12:10 p.m. PT

Originally published: September 12, 2020, at 7:29 p.m. PT

Woman taking photo of sunset, with camera screen showing her view

At camp, we use values sessions to reflect on what we’ve learned or experienced in a day, week, or year! It’s a time to build a respectful environment where family and friends feel comfortable sharing. Try one of these prompts to reflect on the summer and transition to the start of the school year:

  • What is something from this summer that you’ll remember?
  • How have you grown or changed since the spring?
  • What are you most looking forward to about the fall?  
  • What is something that will challenge you this fall, and what kind of support will you need?

It can be helpful to set the tone with a reminder of the five rules of a values session:

  • No crosstalk: Make sure the person who is sharing has everyone’s attention
  • I statements only: Speak from your own experience
  • Choose your challenge: Everyone is free to share as much or as little as they’d like
  • Expect unfinished business: If the conversation gets cut short or someone doesn’t share as much as you wanted, we respect their boundaries and don’t press for more information
  • Four walls and a window: What’s shared in the conversation will stay in the conversation, unless there is concern for someone’s safety or well-being.
Category: Camp Activity