Volunteer Opportunities in Support of A. K. Guy Awards Event 2021
Last updated: June 21, 2023, at 11:46 a.m. PT
Originally published: September 3, 2021, at 9:11 a.m. PT

At the YMCA of Greater Seattle, celebrating volunteerism is in our DNA. Since 1984, we have honored those making their community better through dedicated volunteer service with the A.K. Guy Award. This coveted award is named for Albert K. Guy (1892–1983), a Seattle native who preached and modeled public service as a core tenet of community and inspired legions of others to volunteer upon witnessing his example.
On September 29, 2021, the YMCA of Greater Seattle paused to celebrate and commend a community of volunteers and invited others to join in the work ahead. The A.K. Guy Award recognized the platforms of community service and leadership of Connie Ballmer and Ballmer Group that have given hope and opportunity to so many by transforming the foster care system, investing in strengthening the behavioral health systems, and removing systemic barriers to economic opportunity. Missed it? Watch Now >
You can join the spirit of volunteerism and get involved as well with any or all 3 volunteer opportunities below.
Microsoft Virtual 5K – For Stronger Youth and Families
The Y is pleased to invite you to volunteer for the Virtual Microsoft 5K for Stronger Youth and Families hosted in partnership with Microsoft. Now in its 15th year, the Microsoft 5K is a signature community event to support nonprofit organizations that provide vital programs and services to our communities.
The Y will host a Microsoft 5K Day at the Y on Saturday, October 23rd, from 9am–2pm. Our goals are to get everyone moving for whole person health and help registrants train, prepare, and get excited to participate in the Microsoft 5K.
How to Get Involved and Support
- Volunteer at the Microsoft 5K Day at the Y, on Saturday, October 23
- Help spread the word about the event to your networks and social media by sharing this article
- Sponsor registrants needing financial assistance to participate
- Organize and recruit volunteers
Questions? Email Tina Vincent at tvincent@seattleymca.org with questions about the 5K, sponsoring registrants or volunteering.
Welcoming Youth and Families to the Y
Help build Welcome Boxes, filled with resources and family fun activities to create a sense of belonging for youth in foster care and foster care families new to the Y. With the support of volunteers, we will expand to immigrant and refugee families, youth and young adults experiencing homelessness, who are new residents in our housing facilities, and other families new to Y.
Sample Welcome Boxes:
- Health and wellness resources from the Y such as YMCA family membership or swim lessons
- Whole Person Health resources, which may include Diabetes Prevention, Weight Management for Adults and Youth, Mental and Behavioral Health, Vaccination, Hunger Response supports and information, and more.
- Resources for Y Early Learning Centers, Day Camp, or Outdoor Programs
- Access to the YMCA of Greater Seattle’s Heritage Month Events to promote belonging and advance equity and justice for all. To learn more about our heritage month events, please visit us here.
- Virtual resources from the Y and local partner organizations to help youth and families confidently learn about programs and opportunities that are vital to economic opportunity and achieving their full potential.
How to Get Involved and Support
- Help curate content (tangible and virtual) to be included in boxes to create a welcoming experience of belonging for youth and families new to the Y.
- Collect, sponsor or underwrite materials or programs to be included in the boxes.
- Help assemble and deliver boxes to youth and families.
- Co-Sponsor Heritage Month Events to foster community learning for inclusive excellence and advance equity and justice for all (Read more here).
Seasons of Giving for Youth and Families in Need
Bring joy and support to youth and families every season of the year. Our goal is to build a sense of belonging for youth and families and remind them of the community of care that walks alongside them throughout the year. With 11.4% of youth in King County living below the poverty line, the initial need is to serve youth and families furthest from opportunity, provide supports, respite and relief, and inspire healing and joy. With the support of volunteers and community, our goal is to expand to other youth and families in need who would benefit from this initiative.
Sample Activities:
- Create and help give out Welcoming Week Engagement Boxes for Newcomer Immigrant and Refugee Families
- Aid with Backpack Distribution for Back to School
- Volunteer at the Thanksgiving Dinner Distribution, in partnership with NW Harvest and/or Fare Start
- Help fulfill wishlists for Giving Tree – Holiday Season of Giving
- Volunteer at Healthy Kids Day
- Join a Family Nights Out event, hosted in collaboration with community partners
- Help teach kids to swim with Safety Around Water for Youth and Families, in partnership with Gabrielle’s Wing
- Help create and give out Camp In a Box kits
How to Get Involved and Support
- Steward and engage sponsors and partners for seasonal events
- Sponsor seasonal events
- Work with community partners to identify and engage families in need to benefit from this initiative
- Help remove barriers impeding fully family engagement and participation
- Plan and organize seasonal events
- Organize and recruit volunteers
- Volunteer on day of the events
We hope you can join us, in the spirt of A.K. Guy, let's come together and help one another have a brighter day. Please, volunteer today to share your time, talent and treasures to help us tackle the challenges ahead.