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Y Guides: Arts Appreciation

Last updated: January 29, 2020, at 9:18 a.m. PT

Originally published: January 29, 2020, at 9:18 a.m. PT

Boy in plaid shirt holding paint and paint brush

This month in Y Guides – Arts Appreciation! At your monthly Circle meeting, try any or all of these fun activities inspired by our theme.

Two kids painting pottery


  • Try a new hobby! Origami, Comic Book Art, Stamp Collecting or Gardening are all great options. 
  • Learn a new art skill like watercolors, charcoal or crayon resist
Girl Making Cookies

Service Learning

February is a fun month to give back together!

  • Work as a team to make Valentine's Day cards and treats for those who might not otherwise get one! Brighten the day of seniors, the homeless, or your bus driver!
  • Give the gift of hugs! Stuffed Animals for Emergencies is a non-profit organization that gives stuffed toys to kids in crisis situations. Host a stuffed animal drive at your local Y, in your school or church to serve these great charities.