Y Guides: My Community, My Y
Last updated: October 31, 2019, at 1:05 p.m. PT
Originally published: October 29, 2019, at 12:18 p.m. PT

This month in Y Guides - My Community, My Y! At your monthly Circle meeting, try any or all of these fun activities inspired by our theme.
Craft - Make a No-Sew Tie Blanket, design your own feather necklace, or create a bunch of grateful turkeys.
Cook - Cranberry Sauce and Fruit Cornucopias are certain to delight.
Explore - Get together with your Circle and celebrate the season with a Friendsgiving Potluck, check out the Seattle Underground Tour or plan for your group to attend Family, Community or Rec Swim at your nearby YMCA facility.
Preparing the Thanksgiving meal isn't just for adults, kids can join in and help cook the perfect turkey!
Service Learning
November brings so many great opportunities to give back to your local community, as a Circle group or as a family! Volunteer at the food back, soup kitchen, or host a canned food drive at your school, church or, on your soccer team. Write letters to veterans, celebrating and thanking them for their service on Veterans Day. Knit a blanket, mittens or scarfs through Knit for Kids.