Y Guides: Outdoor Living Skills
Last updated: September 30, 2019, at 1:48 p.m. PT
Originally published: September 24, 2019, at 6:12 p.m. PT

This month in Y Guides - Outdoor Living Skills! At your monthly Circle meeting, try any or all of these fun activities inspired by our theme.
Craft - Get spooky or silly as you paint pumpkins or create watercolor spider webs.
Cook - Tis' the season for pumpkin seeds and the perfect pumpkin pie!
Explore - Autumn is a wonderful season to play outside! Sign up for a Fall Campout, trick or treat together as a Circle, or enjoy a hayride and pumpkin patch.
Celebrate - Celebrate the season by carving pumpkins together.
There's tons of fun skills to learn this month! Knife skills and safety go hand in hand with pumpkin carving. Compasses and orienteering help you find your way. And, fishing is a relaxing, life-long hobby that you might just love!
Service Learning
- Just after Halloween, most YMCA facilities in King County host Candy Buy Back events. Invite your Circle to donate their candy to the Y in exchange for a prize. Candy will be sent directly to troops stationed overseas through USO Northwest.
- Host a “Socktober” event and collect new, warm socks of all sizes to donate to a family crisis center or homeless shelter.