YMCA Celebrates Immigrants and Newcomers During Welcoming Week
Last updated: September 13, 2019, at 8:33 a.m. PT
Originally published: September 12, 2019, at 2:18 p.m. PT
SEATTLE, WA — The YMCA of Greater Seattle believes that communities are stronger when everyone feels welcome. Celebrated annually at YMCAs across the country, Welcoming Week is a chance for neighbors – both immigrants and U.S. born residents – to get to know one another and celebrate what unites us as a community.
From September 13-22, fourteen branches of the YMCA of Greater Seattle will celebrate Welcoming Week 2019 with special displays, food, events, activities, and music. All the events are free of charge, open to the public, and can be viewed at seattleymca.org/welcomingweek.
According to King County economic forecasts, our region is increasingly racially and ethnically diverse, with more and more residents born in other countries. As King County’s immigrant communities continue to grow and become more diverse, the Y has focused on making their staff and programming grow and evolve to reflect the needs of the communities they serve.
“We’re at a critical time in our history,” said Loria Yeadon, president and CEO for the YMCA of Greater Seattle. “Families are being separated. Hardworking parents are being removed from their workplaces, homes, and community spaces. We are better than this. Now, more than ever, we must stand for the dignity and well-being of all people especially youth. Welcoming Week is just one of the many ways we support and embrace our neighbors. Please join us!”
For more than 100 years, the Y has embraced newcomers, from settlement projects on Ellis Island in 1909 to helping people register to vote today in various locations across Greater Seattle. The Y helps educate communities about the census to remove fear to encourage residents to be properly counted. During Welcoming Week, the fourteen branches of the YMCA of Greater Seattle will host over 30 events or activities.
To learn more about Welcoming Week and activities happening throughout the YMCA of Greater Seattle region, visit seattleymca.org/welcomingweek.
About the YMCA of Greater Seattle
The YMCA of Greater Seattle is the Northwest’s leading nonprofit organization strengthening communities through youth development, healthy living, and social responsibility. Founded in 1876, the Y reaches more than 265,000 people of all backgrounds, abilities, and financial circumstances annually through 14 branches, two overnight camps, and more than 200 program sites throughout King and south Snohomish counties. It nurtures more than 137,000 kids and teens to develop their gifts and give back to our community and engages thousands of volunteers who contribute hundreds of thousands of hours of service each year. Visit seattleymca.org.