Camping & Outdoor Leadership Impact
Discover how lives were transformed in 2019.
Discover how lives were transformed in 2019.
Youth, teens, and families discover a love of the outdoors, as well as develop values and leadership, through programs at Camp Orkila and Camp Colman, on expeditions with BOLD & GOLD (Boys & Girls Outdoor Leadership Development), and as members of Y Earth Service Corps.
We inspire youth to be their most courageous and confident selves as they learn leadership skills and challenge themselves to run towards adventure. Read 2019 parent testimonies.
889 teens participated in Y Earth Service Corps and engaged in environmental action in their communities. 90% of participants say they feel able to address real-world environmental issues.
38% of youth received a Diversity In the Outdoors or Advancing Leadership financial aid award for BOLD & GOLD expedition programs. Learn about the Chris Hooyman Outdoor Education Fund.
2,713 teens learned and strengthened leadership skills during summer expeditions and leadership programs. Read David's Story >
Teens hiked a total of 17,278 miles on BOLD & GOLD expeditions in 2019.
Through service projects and outdoor adventures, young people in our camp and outdoor leadership programs become strong, confident, and responsible environmental leaders.
Y Earth Service Corps celebrated its 30th Anniversary, expanded to 56 schools, and participants performed over 8,000 hours of environmental service in their community.
Read YESC Year in Review >
85% of participants said that Earth Service Corps helped them feel empowered to make a change in their community.
More than 12,000 Outdoor Environmental Education participants strengthened their science and teamwork skills through hands-on environmental learning.
Y donors removed financial barriers for 50% of all school groups who attended Camp Colman and Orkila Outdoor Environmental Education Programs. Watch Video >
Camping and Outdoor Leadership programs offer youth the chance to explore their individuality, learn new social and emotional skills while forming lifelong friendships.
Through partnerships with schools and other non-profits, 28,000 people participated in camp and the outdoors. Partnerships are critical to the diversity of participants in our programs as well as year-round connection to supporting youth.
More than 8,300 people of all ages connected with friends and the outdoors at Camp Colman in 2019. The annual Salmon Bake brought 200 alumni and friends back to celebrate their camping days.
More than 16,500 people of all ages connected with the outdoors and friends new and old at Camp Orkila in 2019.
Over $1 million in financial aid was awarded into all programs in 2019.
In 2020, we're up against many challenges and we're rising to the occasion through reinventing camp by focusing on environmental advocacy, supporting families, social justice and leadership development.
Providing youth with a platform and support to lead efforts and advocate for policies that reverse the damaging effects of climate change.
Parents are being called upon to serve as educator, mental health counselor, and many new roles at this time of disruption. We want to support the mental, emotional and physical health of families by filling the gaps that other systems in our society cannot fill, especially in such complicated times.
Providing youth with a platform and support to lead efforts and advocate for policies to dismantle white supremacy and racism in institutions and society.
We are committed to developing new generations of change-makers who will create communities we all want to live in.
With the help of our volunteers, contributors, community partners, and camp staff, we created new opportunities, expanded our reach and addressed social inequities to help strengthen young people and communities.
View YMCA of Greater Seattle Annual Report
The YMCA has been the leader in Summer Camp for over 130 years. Over this time, we’ve fine-tuned our programs to meet youth and their families wherever they are in their journey with the outdoors.
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Building a community where all people, especially the young, are encouraged to develop their fullest potential in spirit, mind, and body.