Championing Health & Wellness
Last updated: April 18, 2024, at 11:30 a.m. PT
Originally published: November 20, 2018, at 10:30 a.m. PT

The YMCA of Greater Seattle increases access to health and wellness services. The Y saw increased participation in swimming lessons, group fitness classes and had significant growth in membership at branches across greater Seattle last year.
This year, 34 percent of our membership received financial support from the Y, which meant that more people than ever before had access to the Y’s health, wellness and community programs regardless of their ability to pay.
Our branches continue to grow not only the number of individuals served, but the programs we offer, tailoring programming to address specific health disparities. Programs such as Pedaling for Parkinson’s uses cycling to reduce symptoms in people affected by Parkinson’s disease. The Y expanded its Actively Changing Together! (ACT!) program into neighborhoods where childhood obesity rates are on the rise. This program helps more children and families learn about nutrition, healthy cooking, and staying active. Empowering healthier individuals is incremental work that depends on strong connections to health care providers. In 2017, the Y put this belief into practice by deepening partnerships that allowed it to expand programming to help King County residents lead healthier, happier lives.
The LIVESTRONG® at the YMCA program continued to help cancer survivors heal in spirit, mind, and body. We worked with health care partners including UW Medicine, MultiCare, and Virginia Mason to streamline the referral process for the YMCA’s Diabetes Prevention Program, making it easier for physicians to connect their patients to the Y. The program continues to inspire behavior change and improve individuals’ health outcomes. Healthy communities start with individual change – but it takes encouragement and communal support to empower people to make and maintain lifestyle changes.
That’s why as health and wellness programs continue to grow and evolve, our approach never changes: the Y will always be the place that welcomes everyone with open arms, meets people where they are, and empowers them to live their healthiest lives.
Did you know? Last year the Y:
- Served 1,100 participants in chronic disease prevention programs.
- Helped 13,000 people through swimming lessons.
- Provided 34% of its membership base with financial assistance – more than twice the YMCA’s national average.
Click on the button below to read more about our work in our annual report