What We're Doing to End Youth Homelessness
Last updated: November 1, 2019, at 1:44 p.m. PT
Originally published: November 20, 2018, at 10:31 a.m. PT

The Y knows that housing is just one piece of the puzzle that helps young people find stability and become self-sufficient. But for many, it’s the piece that helps the rest of the puzzle come together. In alignment with King County’s coalition, All Home, we strive to make homelessness rare, brief, and one-time for all young people in our region. The Y provides a wide range of services from eviction prevention, to transitional housing, to long-term permanent housing support.
- Support young people as they age out of foster care
- Support young people in danger of losing their housing
- Stabilize and reunite families
- Connect young people with short-term host homes in the community
- Manage six transitional housing sites for young people aging out of foster care or experiencing homelessness
- Offer rental assistance and vouchers
- Provide a resource drop-in center four days a week
- Provide intensive case management support
- Prevent eviction by helping young people pay rent
- Connect young people with jobs and internships to earn money and gain
- valuable work experience so they can become financially independent
And what we're doing works:
4 out of 5 young adults who have been in the Y’s transitional housing program for 6 or more months move onto permanent housing
86% of participants who completed Host Homes moved into permanent housing
83% of Host Homes participants had a source of income upon exit, compared to 41% at enrollment (42% increase)
77% of YV LifeSet participants were stably housed at exit. YV LifeSet is the Y’s intensive case management program for alumni of foster care.