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Collage your Concerns

Last updated: June 28, 2020, at 9:57 a.m. PT

Originally published: June 28, 2020, at 9:41 a.m. PT

Kids sitting on benches, with white board and marker brainstorming

At camp, we use collages to express our identities and hopes, and to “dream board” for our futures! Collages are helpful tools for expressing emotions when we can’t find the words and can help children articulate and process their concerns. Follow these simple steps:

1. Gather Materials

  • A sheet of paper (this will be the base of your collage)
  • Magazines, newspapers, and books to cut pages from
  • Scissors
  • Something sticky! You can use tape or glue, and at camp we use Mod Podge (half craft glue, half water). 
  • Markers, crayons, pens, or pencils

2. Plan

Take two minutes to think through what concerns you want to express through your collage. You can look through your magazines or newspaper for inspiration.

3. Start crafting!

Cut or rip pieces from your materials, and glue them onto the page. You may consider leaving space between them or filling up the whole page! Your images and words can be connected, or represent different themes you’re thinking about.

4. Action

After you have gotten your concerns down on the page, try thinking of how you can act, and what you have control over. If you have space on your collage, write these ideas down in the blank spots! For example, if one of your concerns is about relationships with friends, you might consider calling them or writing a letter to reconnect!

5. Reflect

Think or talk through the following questions:

  • How did you feel while you were making your collage?
  • How do you feel looking at your finished product?
  • Which actions will you plan to follow up on?
  • Did considering action you can take change the way you feel about any of your concerns?



Category: Camp Activity