Tye Found Hope Outdoors | Stronger Together at the Y

Last updated: October 16, 2024, at 8:40 a.m. PT

Originally published: October 16, 2024, at 8:16 a.m. PT

Y Outdoor Leadership programs help young people build leadership skills, and self-confidence, but most importantly, young people can connect in safe, caring settings and build social-emotional skills and strong friendships with other young people from all walks of life.

“For me, this trip has helped me overcome a lot adversity, from my surgeries and kids judging me. Meeting kids and making new friends, learning new skills, learning new things, developing a new sense of leadership and social skills that I feel like I really needed, it gives you a hope, it gives you a light, it gives you something to know in the end you’ll be a better person. And there’s always something brighter at the end of the road.” - Tye

At the Y, we believe in the power of human connection. We're dedicated to strengthening the foundations of our neighborhoods, ensuring that everyone, especially young people like Tye, have the opportunity to reach their full potential. Your support makes it possible for us to create spaces where every individual feels they belong, where growth happens, and connections are made. 

We invite you to join us in our vital mission of empowering youth and strengthening our community. Learn more about how the Y is strengthening communities and how you can get involved or make a donation today.


Category: Camp