The Y Supports Active Moms: Bridget’s Story

Last updated: April 16, 2024, at 2:45 p.m. PT

Originally published: December 10, 2019, at 3:56 p.m. PT

The Y Supports Active Moms: Bridgete’s Story

Bridget joined the Y after having her first baby. The Y is perfect because she could get the health and fitness support she needed plus, her baby can spend time in the Kids Zone, and other kids’ programs as they grow. “The Y gives me the opportunity to work out, because I can put my kids in Kids Zone and know they are safe and having a fun time with their friends.” Bridget said.

Despite her very active lifestyle, she has had a difficult time losing weight after giving birth. Bridget joined the Y’s Wellness for Life (formerly Lose to Win) program a few years ago to find support around her weight loss journey. After having her second child, she still has 15 pounds she’d like to lose. Bridget appreciates the support of the participants in the program, accountability of maintaining a food log and the reminders about how to eat health.

The Y’s weight management approach is smart, effective, and sustainable. No gimmicks, restrictive approaches or quick fixes – just encouragement, a supportive community, and the tools you need to reach your goals. We’ll help you tailor a path for your unique needs that leads to ongoing success. The Wellness for Life program helps you achieve your desired weight management permanently by establishing accountability, planning, and problem solving measures all while receiving group and coach support.

Bridget is a competitive tennis player and a very active person. At the Y, she has enjoyed attending boot camp, P90x, Cardio HIIT class and Tuesday night volleyball. She enjoys attending classes because she can meet up with friends and make new ones. Her kids also see friends while they are in the Kids Zone.

Bridget made it to Nationals recently with her competitive tennis team and has the opportunity to travel to Florida for the National competition. Outside of tennis, in her free time, Bridget enjoys softball, hiking and watching movies with her two girls and husband.

Category: Healthy Living