5 Tips for a Happy and Healthy Family this Winter

Last updated: November 22, 2019, at 3:26 p.m. PT

Originally published: November 22, 2019, at 3:11 p.m. PT

Parent helping child wash hands.

When winter settles in with the cold and the wet, it’s easy to let healthy habits slide. Here are five tips to help your family navigate the winter months:

  1. Stay Active! When your cooped up inside, it’s hard for kids to get the recommended 60 minutes of play every day. Play and get moving together indoors with these great ideas.
  2. Eat fatty foods. Yes, you read that right. Fat is not always a bad thing! During the winter months, our bodies naturally want to eat foods that are higher in fat to keep us warm. When you are choosing foods, look for labels with healthy fats like mono, poly, and unsaturated. Fat is still fat, so keep an eye on the calories and try this yummy, kid-pleasing cheddar chowder.
  3. Wash, wash, wash your hands. Wash your own and your child’s hands often with soap and warm water. Children should sing their ABCs twice in a row while washing their hands to ensure the proper length of time.
  4. Keep it chill! Check in with yourself as a parent and with your kids about how to reduce stress when things get super busy during the winter months. It doesn’t need to look like meditation or a strict exercise routine. Stress relief as a family can be as simple as coloring with chill music on in the background.
  5. Pop into the Y! During the day there’s Kids Zone for the kids and a full gym at your disposal or check out a Family Movie Night and Parents’ Night Out. Plus, don’t forget about the pool.