YMCA Mission Forum
Centering the Margins: A Conversation on the Youth Mental Health Crisis through an Equity and Justice for All Lens
Centering the Margins: A Conversation on the Youth Mental Health Crisis through an Equity and Justice for All Lens
YMCA Mission Forums are a deep dive into a singular issue or topic to gain a more nuanced understanding of the unique barriers and opportunities that exist in our communities, and how you can work with the Y to address those needs through volunteerism, learning, and creating access to programs and initiatives which address community needs and produces positive impact for all.
We are dedicated to creating a space that is engaging, youthful, and deeply intersectional – a space rooted in hope, optimism, and is asset-based and community-centered while digging into the true realities and current state of the youth mental health crisis.
Our March Mission Forum addresses the youth mental health crisis, with a focus on the disparate impacts on Queer and Transgender Black, Indigenous, and people of color (QTBIPOC) youth.
Find videos, articles, websites, and additional information to learn more about Mission Forum topics.
There is great need in our communities, and we need your help. Join us this year to advance equity and justice for all through whole person health for young people.
The Y is a place where people of all backgrounds, faiths and other dimensions of diversity can come together, strengthen community together, and gain a greater appreciation for one another.
Catch up on our series of equity and justice for all in athletics from non-traditional sports, to the Olympics, to young athlete leaders in our community.
This community fund is the engine that drives innovation, learning, and action in creating equitable and just communities that thrive.