Mental Health Matters 

The Pandemic has heighten mental health and substance, especially for kids and young adults in crisis, struggling with shelter and housing, behavioral health, and in Foster Care.

  • In King County, suicide is the leading cause of death of young people between the ages of 10-25. 
  • Serious psychological distress and suicide-related thoughts or actions also rose by 70 percent in young adults. This has gotten worse since 2004 in King County overall, driven by increases in this indicator among youth in South Region.
  • Students in the South region of King County were 1.3 times more likely to have considered suicide than Seattle students. Students of color are 20% less likely to have goals for the future.

Together, we can change this. We can make sure all kids have access to mental health counseling and the resources young people need to change circumstances that cause or impact their mental wellness. 

Shelter, Housing and Behavioral Health

The Greater Seattle community continues to experience one of the highest rates of homelessness in the nation. Data shows that the homeless population includes many school-age children young adults and families and is growing in size and geographic distribution. Additionally, people of color are disproportionately experience homelessness.

Through Y programs, you can help house more than 300 young people each night, and provide wrap around casework and behavioral health services for young adults. 

Foster Care

There are 10,068 children in foster care in Washington and 2,167 of these children are waiting for adoptive families. A recent report found that more children than ever spent the night in a hotels or in child welfare field offices, significantly up from previous years. The youth sent to stay in hotels were disproportionately children of color, tended to be older and often had significant mental health or behavioral needs.

Together with donors and partners, we're creating a healing and supportive community for kids by offering each child and foster family the individualized support they need to thrive and succeed.

Give today to help young people reach their full potential through homelessness services, behavioral health services, foster care services, and young adult services.


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Social Impact Center

The Y’s Social Impact Center works to dismantle systemic inequities by connecting kids, teens, and young adults with critical support and resources.

More Ways to Give

There are many ways to make a difference through the Y. Whether you’d like to make a gift or pledge, donate stock, volunteer, or learn about planned giving and matching gifts, we welcome your investment and partnership.

Join the Y!

With a shared commitment to nurturing the potential of kids, improving health and well-being, and supporting our neighbors, your membership will not just bring about meaningful change in yourself, but also in your community. 
