Play Everyday!
Play Everyday! gets kids engaged at recess to encourage exercise, build lifelong fitness habits, and foster social inclusion.
Play Everyday! gets kids engaged at recess to encourage exercise, build lifelong fitness habits, and foster social inclusion.
Play Everyday! makes recess a fun, fitness-focused event where all kids are invited and encouraged to play along. Play is critical to social, emotional, and physical health but many kids aren’t getting enough.
At recess, a Y play coach facilitates the YMCA Play Everyday! program, which focuses on health and skill-related fitness with a mindset of inclusion. Play coaches facilitate group games and sports for kids of all ages and skill levels.
“Play Everyday! Helps all kids get involved and feel a sense of belonging at recess.”
- Aimee Miner, Principal of Lake Forest Park Elementary School
Find out how you can bring Play Everyday! to your school by contacting us at
More students are engaged in active play, especially those who typically struggle to find a group or place to fit in
Students learn new skills and games to help them be active at recess
Schools report a significant decrease in behavior incidents during and after recess, including incidents that require staff intervention