Get Ready to Score!
Learn the basics of the game, fine-tune your skills, plus practice teamwork and leadership, while making new friends!
YMCA youth sports encourage and promote healthy kids, families, and communities by prioritizing family involvement, healthy competition rather than rivalry, the value of participation over winning, team-building as well as individual development, a positive self-image, and a sense of fair play and mutual respect for others.
Families are encouraged to be more than mere spectators by volunteering as coaches and being their kids' greatest fans.
Outdoor Soccer Leagues and Programs
Minis Program

Through fun drills and games, preschoolers learn rules and practice soccer fundamentals like dribbling, shooting, passing, and, in most cases, going the right way down the field.
Ages: 3 to 5, co-ed
Schedule: Practices with scrimmages are held once per week for 8 weeks. The days and times of the program vary by location
Spring Locations: Meredith Mathews and Northshore Ys
Led By: YMCA staff
Score: Not tracked
Family Involvement: Required
Kinders Program

Through fun drills and games, kindergarteners learn rules and practice soccer fundamentals like dribbling, shooting, passing, and, in most cases, going the right way down the field.
Ages: 5 to 6, co-ed
Schedule: Practices with scrimmages are held once per week for 8 weeks. The days and times of the program vary by location
Spring Locations: Meredith Mathews and Northshore Ys
Led by: YMCA staff
Score: Not tracked
Family Involvement: Encouraged
Grades 1–2 League

Learn the fundamentals of soccer, sportsmanship, teamwork, and healthy habits while sharpening skills like dribbling and passing, practicing drills, and having fun.
Grades: 1 to 2, co-ed
Schedule: We practice once per week and play games on the weekend, including home games and games against other Ys in the region. The days and times of the program vary by location.
Spring Locations: Dale Turner and Northshore Ys
Led By: Volunteer coach
Score: Tracked
Grades 3–4 League

Take your skills to the next level and experience constructive competition. Players in this co-ed youth soccer league continue to build skills like dribbling, shooting, and passing and begin learning soccer plays through fun drills.
Grades: 3 to 4, co-ed
Schedule: We practice once per week and play games on the weekend, including home games and games against other Ys in the region. The days and times of the program vary by location.
Spring Locations: Dale Turner and Northshore Ys
Led By: Volunteer coach
Score: Tracked
Skills Clinics, Introduction Classes

Let’s get out on the field before the next season starts! Fine-tune skills in our clinics or academies, or learn the basics in an intro series. Players focus on mastering fundamental skills like dribbling, shooting, and passing, practice drills, and have fun.
Grades: K to 8, co-ed
Schedule: Varies by program. Offered throughout the year.
Led By: YMCA staff
Key Information and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How do I register?
You can register online via the links above, by calling (206) 382-5022, or at your local Y.
When does registration open?
Registration opens seasonally! To learn more about registration, including answers to frequently asked questions, please visit our program registration website.
I cannot afford the full cost of the program. Is financial assistance available?
Yes! The Y is committed to ensuring all families have access to quality and enriching youth programs. If the fee for this program presents a challenge for your family, financial assistance is available.
For Y members, your program scholarship is already attached to your YMCA account and available upon registration. For community members, please fill out this form and choose 'program subsidy only' under membership type.
Do Y members receive a discount on youth sports programs or leagues?
Yes! To see your Y member discount, please click the register button for your chosen program or league and click the activity to see pricing for both Y members and community.
What should my child wear and bring for outdoor soccer?
Your child should wear comfortable clothes, shin guards, and soccer cleats. If your child does not have soccer cleats, closed-toe shoes (preferably athletic shoes) are acceptable. Your child should also bring a non-glass water bottle.
Does my child need to be potty trained?
Yes, all participants must be potty trained.
What is your refund policy?
Please review our cancellation and refund policies here.
If online registration is closed, can I still sign up for this program?
Even if online registration is closed, there may still be space available. Please call (206) 382-5022 or visit your local Y to inquire.
Can I make a suggestion for a sport to offer?
Yes, please fill out this form to help us plan future sports programming.
Who do I contact with questions?
Please contact your local Y via the email below.
- Auburn Valley Y – auburnsports@seattleymca.org
- Bellevue Family Y – bellevuesports@seattleymca.org
- Coal Creek Family Y – ccfysports@seattleymca.org
- Dale Turner Family Y – dtfysports@seattleymca.org
- Kent Y – kentsports@seattleymca.org
- Matt Griffin Y – youthsportsmg@seattleymca.org
- Meredith Mathews East Madison Y – mmemsports@seattleymca.org
- Northshore Y – northshoresports@seattleymca.org
- Sammamish Community Y - sammsports@seattleymca.org
- Snoqualmie Valley Y - jhopkins@seattleymca.org
- West Seattle Family Y - wssports@seattleymca.org
Key Information for Leagues
What are the key season dates?
Spring Season 2025
- Registration opens on January 15 for Y members
- Registration opens on January 22 for Community members
- Registration closes on March 17
- League season begins with practices the week of March 31
- Games begin the week of April 19
- The season ends the week of June 9
- Make-up games the week of June 16
When will my child practice?
For the spring 2025 season, you will be informed of your practice day and time during the week of March 24.
What if I don't get information about practice times by the indicated date?
For the spring 2025 season, you will be informed of your practice day and time during the week of March 24. If you have not been contacted by March 27, please contact your local Y.
Where are games and practices?
- Practices will be held at your local YMCA facility or a nearby field.
- Games will be held at your local YMCA facility, a nearby field, or other Ys in the region.
How often will my child practice?
Teams will practice once per week for 45 minutes.
When will we receive a game schedule?
Game schedules will be released one week prior to the first weekend of games.
Who will be the coach?
Our teams are led by volunteer coaches.
How do we apply to be a volunteer coach?
We are looking for volunteer coaches to lead our teams. Please visit this link to sign up or contact your local Y.
Can I request to be on a team with a buddy?
Yes, we will do our best to honor requests, but we can not guarantee them. During the registration process, you will have the opportunity to request ONE buddy. Your buddy must also request you on their registration.
How are teams formed?
Teams are formed based on grade, school, and buddy requests.
When will we receive a uniform?
Uniforms will be distributed before the first game.
What happens when games are postponed or canceled due to bad weather and/or power outages?
If a game has been played more than 50%, that game is considered final. If an entire game is canceled, we try to reschedule for a future weekend or weeknight. Because weather is out of our control, sometimes games cannot be rescheduled, but we will do our best.
Stay Engaged with the Y
Make a Gift Today
Your investment will help ensure that economic situations are not a barrier to participate in Y programs, help our region grow healthier, allow children to experience the outdoors, and help infuse our communities with anti-racist learning initiatives, partnerships, and resources.
Swim Lessons
As the largest provider of swim lessons in the country, we strive to help all ages learn how to swim, so they can stay safe around water and learn the skills needed to make swimming a lifelong pursuit for healthy living.
Join the Y!
With a shared commitment to nurturing the potential of kids, improving health and well-being, and supporting our neighbors, your membership will not just bring about meaningful change in yourself, but also in your community.